Koganei is a city of Tokyo, Japan. It is located near the center of the metropolis. Reports of population distributed in 2003 show approximately 113,786 people residing in the city of Koganei. This makes the 11.18km area mildly populated.
Koganei plays a very important role in water distribution for the Tokyo area. Home to a few of the greatest Japan springs and rivers, the city has taken on a great responsibility in caring for the water by ensuring a proper environment. This has decreased the amount of pollution in the city and motivated the residents to be proficient with energy conservation.
Education is among the most important things in the city of Koganei. An entire education board governed by the officials of the city has made a better education for those that reside in the city an attainable right. Board meetings with outside schools and even worldwide education boards keep the district up to date on the latest data released concerning the better health and wellness of students in each grade.
Considering the great amount of education brought to the cities residents, a foundation of research centers has began taking hold of the industries. Research done on medicine, education, product functionality, and environmental hazards has been a primary goal of the many universities and private data centers in the city.
Koganei was officially established as a city of Tokyo in 1958. This development followed the organization and reconstruction after damages during WWII. A solid foundation for government was placed into action leading to great changes in economic structure and overall city environment.