Blade of the Immortal (Mugen-no-Jūnin) is a manga that was created by Hiroaki Samura. Samura is most well-known for Blade of the Immortal, which, in fact, won the Excellence Prize in 1997 at the Japan Media Arts Festival. It also won the Will Eisner comic Industry Award in the year 2000. It is currently being released in the United States just as a comic book would be.
Manji is an extremely skilled samurai warrior and has the advantage of being invincible to any wound. He became invincible due to a terrible tragedy in his past. He did some bad things, and these bad things led to one hundred samurai dying. Yaobikini, an eight hundred year old nun, decided to make him immortal, and he has vowed that he will make amends for the good samurai’s death by killing 1000 evil men. He is kept alive by blood worms. They attach themselves to him whenever he has an injury and give up their lives in order to keep him alive and whole.
Eventually, Manji helps a young girl, Asano Rin, avenge her parents. A swordsman named Anotsu Kagehisa was responsible for their deaths, killing the family and dojo in order to turn them into outcasts. He plans to gather all of the outcasts in order to make the strongest dojo that has ever been created. A group known as Mugai-ryu are against this new dojo, Itto-ryu. They convince Manji to join them, but he leaves when he discovers that Shira, one of the members, is extremely sadistic. He then learns that the group is working for the government.