Tokyo Hipsters Club is a Japanese shopping complex located in Harajuku, Tokyo. The building, created in 2005 by Kobe fashion conglomerate, World, is a three floor space located in the midst of Harajuku on Meiji Street with retail space, a café, and lounging space for those who are self described hipsters.
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The building was created in 2005 from the ground up by Tom Dixon in his first architectural project ever. His work was intended to be a space that was not intended to be architectural, but to be completely functional in essence while making references to its artistic backgrounds. The inside of the building itself is designed to combine the aesthetics of a British Gentleman’s club with the modernity of Japanese fashion in the 21st century.
Everything from brass to leather couches and moos antlers on the wall make up the space in the Tokyo Hipsters Club, but with the concrete exterior of the main building. A secondary theme in the building’s construction was revolution with massive images of Che Guevara appearing at the entrance and on a number of items in the store.
The clothing sold in the store ranges from the original brand known as Mai 68, referring to the May 1968 uprising in Paris of students to a men’s brand by Taishi Nobukuni with a military theme that includes khakis and parachute material.
In addition to the clothing, Tokyo Hipster Club has an in house book store featuring a number of coffee table books with beat writers like Kerouac and Ginsberg or the Evergreen Review available. Music is also available with well known underground hipster musicfrom the likes of Iggy Pop, Jonnhy Thunder,s and Guitar Wolf for sale. Multiple other things outfit the location, with a rooftop café, a display space on the second floor for exhibits and a number of collectables located throughout the building.
Tokyo Hipster Club is located at: